Thursday, May 28, 2015
Friday, May 15, 2015
My First Review
For our fourth anniversary, My wife and I decided to watch a musical. I am very happy that we decided to watch Kung Paano Ako Naging Leading Lady. This will also be my first time that I will be reviewing something that I am not required too. Disclaimer first, I am no expert and like I said this will be my first time that I am doing this voluntarily.
Being a maid is tough enough, but when Mely lands a job under a group of superheroes, she steps up to the unique challenge for the sake of her family. Based on Carlo Vergara's one-act play and graphic novel of the same title, Kung Paano Ako Naging Leading Lady the Musical revolves around Mely and Viva’s sibling relationship, made complicated by an unsettling past and a budding romance, all in the context of an ongoing war between the superhero and supervillain teams. The musical takes us through the journey of the characters as each tries to find his/her place in the world.
The play was created by Carlo Vergara, the music and lyrics by Vincent de Jesus, and directed by Chris Martinez. Here is the brief synopsis courtesy of Ticketworld:
Being a maid is tough enough, but when Mely lands a job under a group of superheroes, she steps up to the unique challenge for the sake of her family. Based on Carlo Vergara's one-act play and graphic novel of the same title, Kung Paano Ako Naging Leading Lady the Musical revolves around Mely and Viva’s sibling relationship, made complicated by an unsettling past and a budding romance, all in the context of an ongoing war between the superhero and supervillain teams. The musical takes us through the journey of the characters as each tries to find his/her place in the world.
It was a very entertaining play and had really good time watching, considering I had a headache. One problem I have whiched prevented me from giving it standing ovation was the sounds problem that ruined the first act of the play. Before the play even started there already static from the speakers that really didn't go away till the end of the first act. I wish they fixed first before starting. Microphones were not working properly and it even stop working on some instances. I think I miss a lot of good jokes because of it. Volume was also a problem, sometimes the volume of the backup overpowered the lead.
They eventually fixed and I hope it won't happen again because it was a very fun musical. Also, is it weird that I was rooting for the Kayumanggilas.
Saturday, May 2, 2015
Pictograms Post
My friend Tobie does this thing where he post pictures to tell a story. This is my first attempt. Enjoy!
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Random Mid-week Ramblings
I don't have anything in particular to write today but again a lot of random thoughts pop into my head that instead of posting it in Facebook I think I will just post it here, so at the very least I have something to post as I don't want to break the momentum I have right now.. Enjoy!
- The heat has been really oppressive lately that it is really difficult to do anything and to make matters worse is that it is expected to get hotter in the next few days. Taking a bath has never been so satisfying as ever before.
- Of all the household chores doing the laundry is my second least favorite, since it is so time consuming to do.
- I wish I could talk about Maria Ozawa on social media but I am friends in Facebook with my parents and talk to them very often so I can't. I don't think I want to experience them asking about her.
- Cooking is a stress reliever for me and that is why I will never start a business with me doing the cooking. I might end up hating it.
- Sometimes I think that I should have taken a business related course.
- I haven't played a video game in a very long time now. That needs to be corrected.
- I see that I am a good looking person when I am not wearing glasses.
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
I had a very busy and mind draining day, and I don't think I have enough energy to give my opinion on a lot of things happening around me. There is one thing that has been bothering me for past few days, and that is to satisfy my craving for pickles.
I am half-Ilocano from my mother side and have developed a taste for vegetables over the years, but pickles will always have a special place in heart. My parents know how to make pickles and I have resolved that I have make my own batch before the end of May. Here are some of the pickles I plan to make:
Pickled Mustard Green:
I am half-Ilocano from my mother side and have developed a taste for vegetables over the years, but pickles will always have a special place in heart. My parents know how to make pickles and I have resolved that I have make my own batch before the end of May. Here are some of the pickles I plan to make:
I love Japanese food especially sushi and sashimi and my friends can attest to that. The tricky part of this pickle is finding young ginger to get that beautiful pink color.
Now this is an old favorite of mine, thanks to my parents and grandparents. I remember them buying big batches of these stuff and stinking up the fridge.
Pickled Mangoes
This classic is another favorite of mine. I remember a family friend who makes them every year and personally gives me my own bottle aside from the one she gives the family.
Pickled Ampalaya:
This one is tricky because I have tasted both ends of the spectrum. On one side the bitter taste has totally disappeared which is kinda disappointing, but on the other end the bitterness has been exponentially intensified that I have great difficulty eating it.
Monday, April 27, 2015
Happy Birthday Ma!
Today is my mother's 63rd birthday in this side of the world. Thankfully technology has let us talk and see each other quite often, though nothing still beats having my parents here but I am still grateful. I want to take this opportunity to share my gratitude and love to my mother.
- Thank you for carrying and giving me life, even though I will only have a vague understanding of it 9 months is no joke.
- Thank you for working hard everyday to provide for us and my siblings when we were growing up. All your sacrifices for us has not gone unnoticed
- Thank you for being there for us through the best and worst time of our lives. I know we haven't always seen each other eye to eye but you never gave up on me.
- Thank you for showing that all woman are worthy of respect. That your gender is strong, independent, and are our equals.
- Thank you for teaching me the value of perseverance, hard work and dedication to one's task or responsibilities. That we should never give up.
- Thank you for teaching me that integrity and the value of a good name is one of the most precious thing a person could ever have..
- Thank you for challenging me, for seeing my full potential even though I could not see it myself.
- Thank you for teaching that family is important
- Thank you for loving me.
Friday, April 24, 2015
Juggling Act
If you are fortunate to be one of friends in Facebook, you know that my son Castle has started summer classes in preparation for the coming school year as recommended by his teachers. I don't know if it's a good thing or not but he gets to skip the Nursery level and will be Kindergarten 1 when classes. It does help us a lot financially but I am worried if he will be ready. The school staff assured me though that he will be okay.
Sometimes when I think of all the things I need to do, I get a bit overwhelmed but I realized I just need to do it one at a time so it isn't that bad as I imagined it. I am doing this for my family and I also enjoy doing everything despite the craziness of it all, I get to spend time with my kids, I am my own boss, and I am not too tired to have some quality time with my wife.
Since most of my work can be done at home, it is my responsibility to bring and pick up Castle to school. Though it puts a strain on my house husband and business owl duties, it does give me some free time to write and do some errands like bank runs or mini-grocery trips while waiting for class to end. I have also learned to prepare things in advance, like cooking early so I just need to do some finishing touches on our lunch before we eat.
Sometimes when I think of all the things I need to do, I get a bit overwhelmed but I realized I just need to do it one at a time so it isn't that bad as I imagined it. I am doing this for my family and I also enjoy doing everything despite the craziness of it all, I get to spend time with my kids, I am my own boss, and I am not too tired to have some quality time with my wife.
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Spoiler Rules and Guidelines
Avengers 2: Age of Ultron started showing in cinemas yesterday here in the Philippines, and by some blessing or curse by the One Above and All is ahead in other places in the world. The movies was very entertaining to say the least, and I recommend it to very everyone even to those who find pleasure in finding fault in any body of work.
Spoilers as define by my friends Merriam and Webster is information about the plot of a motion picture or TV program that can spoil a viewer's sense of surprise or suspense, also a person who discloses such information. A couple of decades ago spoilers was rare as a dark brooding loner hero with a tragic past during the golden age of comic books, but with the birth of the Internet it became as common as pouches in Rob Liefeld's characters in the 90's. It saddens me to see the lack of empathy and the blatant disregard to the pleas of no spoilers, and the weird, disturbing, and sometimes hurtful things people do to avoid them. Now as dad, it is my in nature to make rules and this my attempt to bring a sense balance to this whole kerfuffle.
1. RESPECT EACH OTHER. I feel this is the most important thing we should all have regardless on which side of the fence we are in. Don't wait for me to put on my Aretha Franklin wardrobe and start singing in your bed while you sleep.
2. Warn others first, if you like to share something or if you like to keep yourself in the dark, a simple warning is necessary. Remember most of the mutants have been de-powered so telepaths are very rare these days.
3. Read the room (thank you Kimmy!), if you are only one who finished the book and everyone is still in chapter one don't tell everyone that Christian Grey is killed by Edward Cullen when he cheated on him with Tauriel in the last chapter. Likewise, if you are the only one who hasn't read that awesome story I just shared inform everyone and ask them nicely not to spoil it for you.
4. If you want to share in the Internet give people ample warning, and with that I mean a lot. I think something like this is enough:
Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning!
5. If you see a warning like the one above, please do not tempt fate. You loose all complaining rights if you still read the post and who wants to do that.
Weirdly though, this post is not about my thoughts about the movie but something that is very important or sensitive during such things. This post is about SPOILERS, and no I am not talking about that car accessory whose purpose still eludes me. I am talking about sharing things about a movie, series, book, or game that might ruin the excitement to others.
Spoilers as define by my friends Merriam and Webster is information about the plot of a motion picture or TV program that can spoil a viewer's sense of surprise or suspense, also a person who discloses such information. A couple of decades ago spoilers was rare as a dark brooding loner hero with a tragic past during the golden age of comic books, but with the birth of the Internet it became as common as pouches in Rob Liefeld's characters in the 90's. It saddens me to see the lack of empathy and the blatant disregard to the pleas of no spoilers, and the weird, disturbing, and sometimes hurtful things people do to avoid them. Now as dad, it is my in nature to make rules and this my attempt to bring a sense balance to this whole kerfuffle.
1. RESPECT EACH OTHER. I feel this is the most important thing we should all have regardless on which side of the fence we are in. Don't wait for me to put on my Aretha Franklin wardrobe and start singing in your bed while you sleep.
2. Warn others first, if you like to share something or if you like to keep yourself in the dark, a simple warning is necessary. Remember most of the mutants have been de-powered so telepaths are very rare these days.
3. Read the room (thank you Kimmy!), if you are only one who finished the book and everyone is still in chapter one don't tell everyone that Christian Grey is killed by Edward Cullen when he cheated on him with Tauriel in the last chapter. Likewise, if you are the only one who hasn't read that awesome story I just shared inform everyone and ask them nicely not to spoil it for you.
4. If you want to share in the Internet give people ample warning, and with that I mean a lot. I think something like this is enough:
Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning!
5. If you see a warning like the one above, please do not tempt fate. You loose all complaining rights if you still read the post and who wants to do that.
6. This post is not appropriate at all times:
Friday, April 3, 2015

"ISFJs are true altruists, meeting kindness with kindness-in-excess and engaging the work and people they believe in with enthusiasm and generosity."
According to the site I am an ISFJ (Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, Judging) with a Turbulent variant. It is also known as the Defender, known to be very dedicated and and warm protectors, always ready defend their loved ones. I am not gonna bore you with rest of the results since it is a couple of pages long but here's the link for the full explanation:
These personality exams can be good because they help us know more about ourselves and can be guides on how we improve ourselves, but we shouldn't let these control our lives as we are free to be anyone we want to be.
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
A Letter to My Future Self
I have been listening to a lot of Silent Hill songs lately and I want to share to you this eerily beautiful song from Silent Hill 3. It is not my favorite (It is still 'I Want Love Studio Mix') but I think it is something I want to share with my rare readers and children.
A letter to my future self
'Am I still happy?' I began
Have I grown up pretty?
Is Daddy still a good man?
Am I still friends with Coleen?
I'm sure that I'm still laughing
Aren't I? Aren't I?
Hey there to my future self
If you forget how to smile
I have this to tell you
Remember it once in a while
Ten years ago your past self
Prayed for your happiness
Please don't lose hope
Oh, oh what a pair, me and you
Put here to feel joy, not be blue
Sad times and bad times, see them through
Soon we will know if it's for real
What we both feel
Have I grown up pretty?
Is Daddy still a good man?
Am I still friends with Coleen?
I'm sure that I'm still laughing
Aren't I? Aren't I?
Hey there to my future self
If you forget how to smile
I have this to tell you
Remember it once in a while
Ten years ago your past self
Prayed for your happiness
Please don't lose hope
Oh, oh what a pair, me and you
Put here to feel joy, not be blue
Sad times and bad times, see them through
Soon we will know if it's for real
What we both feel
Though I can't know for sure how things worked out for us
No matter how hard it gets you have to realize
We weren't put on this earth to suffer, and cry
We were made for being happy, so be happy
For me, for you, please
Oh, oh what a pair, me and you
Put here to feel joy, not be blue
Sad times and bad times, see them through
Soon we will know if it's for real
What we both feel
We were put here on this earth, put here to feel joy
We were put here on this earth, put here to feel joy
We were put here on this earth, put here to feel joy
We were put here on this earth, put here to feel joy
No matter how hard it gets you have to realize
We weren't put on this earth to suffer, and cry
We were made for being happy, so be happy
For me, for you, please
Oh, oh what a pair, me and you
Put here to feel joy, not be blue
Sad times and bad times, see them through
Soon we will know if it's for real
What we both feel
We were put here on this earth, put here to feel joy
We were put here on this earth, put here to feel joy
We were put here on this earth, put here to feel joy
We were put here on this earth, put here to feel joy
The whole point of the song is about one's happiness. Regardless of one's beliefs, a person happiness is one if the not the most important thing in our lives. So in closing, I want everyone to find their happiness.
Saturday, March 28, 2015
Part of Her World (Triton's Perspective)
I am have been watching a lot of Disney movies recently because of my children and I just finished The Little Mermaid and I found myself siding with Ariel's father, Triton on almost everything. Then my soda drenched brain came up with the idea of converting the song 'Part of your world' to Triton's perspective. So here it is, I hope you enjoy it and I also hope I am not breaking any laws. :P
Part of Her World
Look at her now, isn’t she great
Wouldn't you think that she's now complete?
Wouldn't you think she’s the girl
The girl I gave everything?
Look at this trove, treasures untold
How many wonders can one ocean hold?
Looking around here you'd think
Sure, I gave her everything
She’s got pearls and corals a plenty
I gave cowries and conches galore
She wants anemones? I got her twenty!
But who cares? No big deal,
She wanted more
She wants to be where the people are
She wants to see, wanna see them dancing
Walking around on those
What do you call 'em? Oh, feet
Flipping her fins, Is not enough for her
She wants to have legs for jumping and dancing
Strolling along down a
What's that word again?
Here where there’s glee, here where we’re free
Here where we’ll stay all day in the sea
Here next to me
Wish I could be, part of her world
What would I give to her make stay
inside of these waters?
What would I pay to spend a day
Warm in her arms?
Here down in sea, we do our best
To love and care for our daughters
Bright young women, gently swimming
Ready to stand
I should let her go where she wants to go
Asking her questions
And get some answers
But I know what fire is – and how it
I know it’s her turn
But wouldn't I love, love for her to stay here down below?
Here by my side
Wish I could be
Part of her world
Sunday, March 22, 2015
The Schmuel Song - Surviving The Weekend
For those unfortunate enough to stumble upon this blog and know of its existence, you might have notice that I haven't posted anything for the past few days. I actually have written everyday but didn't post any of it because when I reading them I have realized it was really depressing, and if you've read earlier post this was for my children and geeky stuff. So I decided not to post any them, which also means I didn't have anything to post since I have very limited writing talent. :P
I feel much better now thanks to my loving wife, family, and friends. I love you my wife Elaine very much. I leave you with current LSS, the Schmuel Song from the musical The Last 5 Years because "Na na na na, na na na Just do it and you can be happy!"
I feel much better now thanks to my loving wife, family, and friends. I love you my wife Elaine very much. I leave you with current LSS, the Schmuel Song from the musical The Last 5 Years because "Na na na na, na na na Just do it and you can be happy!"
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
We Should Pay Our Taxes
1. It is the law. We are all required to file our taxes regardless of our status in life. Yes there are exemptions,but it is not a suggestion or an optional thing we can ignore. There are penalties in place for not doing the right thing and honestly not filing properly is not worth the hassle and money it brings.
2. The common excuse of any government agency why projects are delayed, why government employees' salary is pathetic (I am talking about teachers, rank and file employees, health workers, policemen, and soldiers here), and services are bad is the lack of budget. Imagine if we take away that excuse from them by paying our taxes properly. It is not much but it is a start.
3. A common reason I hear why most people don't want to pay taxes is because our government will only steal it. Guess what, not paying tax correctly makes you the same as those corrupt government officials because you are stealing from your own country,
4. And lastly, it is the right and decent thing to do. Let us be an good example to our children or the next children, Let us show to everyone that we are law-abiding citizens, believes in our country and wants it to have a brighter future.
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Ryuutama Session 2: Tristan's Journal - In the village Ifa - Part 1
Day 23 Resplendent Dragon 15 ATB
Weather: Clear
Condition: Still tired
Okay I am going make this a quick entry since we are going to an adventure any moment from now I am just waiting for the nekogoblins to bring the supplies I requested.
The day started pretty good, we were in high spirits and Aya was even more happy than usual. The "bandits" had packed up earlier than and said our goodbyes quite peacefully. Joshua the weather guy disappeared but Aya told us she found his tracks and went on the opposite direction of our destination so I think he is still alive (though he did ran away from our deal, I will make sure he pays double next time I see him).
The konekogoblin who was staying in the area hired us to guide him to the town of Ifa which is the same town we were headed. I don't really mind since he is paying us 400 gold pieces, not bad considering it is not even a whole day's travel. Before I forget his name is Kinny, it is weird that we never asked his name even though he has been with us for a day and a half already.
That is it for now, I will continue with story later since our "leader" is saying that we are ready leave.
Okay I am going make this a quick entry since we are going to an adventure any moment from now I am just waiting for the nekogoblins to bring the supplies I requested.
The day started pretty good, we were in high spirits and Aya was even more happy than usual. The "bandits" had packed up earlier than and said our goodbyes quite peacefully. Joshua the weather guy disappeared but Aya told us she found his tracks and went on the opposite direction of our destination so I think he is still alive (though he did ran away from our deal, I will make sure he pays double next time I see him).
The konekogoblin who was staying in the area hired us to guide him to the town of Ifa which is the same town we were headed. I don't really mind since he is paying us 400 gold pieces, not bad considering it is not even a whole day's travel. Before I forget his name is Kinny, it is weird that we never asked his name even though he has been with us for a day and a half already.
That is it for now, I will continue with story later since our "leader" is saying that we are ready leave.
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Why are we not Breastfeeding?
Today I went to the local health office to avail of the free vaccines for Sophia, because I am cheap and the vaccine cost around 7,000.00 pesos if I buy it in a hospital. While I was going through the usual interview about Sophia, I was asked the question if my wife was breastfeeding. I told her the truth that we do a mixture of breast milk and formula, she then asked for the ratio which I promptly told her it was only 2 to 3 bottles a week and it happens when Elaine has to go out for an hour or two. You could see in the health worker's face that she was impressed and told me that it was good that we were breastfeeding. That got me thinking if breastfeeding is rare in the Philippines? Which is kinda weird since I have seen a lot mothers whip out their breast with wanton abandoned if its feeding time.
So I went to the waiting area for our turn, while waiting I got to talked with some of the mothers there since they were curious why I was the one bringing my daughter for vaccination (I was the only male in there). The topic eventually went to feeding which I gave the same answer I gave the health worker earlier and I got the same impressed look on their faces which kinda confused me since we weren't purely breastfeeding. They began comparing with each other how long did they tried breast feeding and the longest was a week, then they started discussing the hassles and pain they had to endure while breastfeeding which was understandable because my wife had to go through that as well. I really shock when one answered that the reason she didn't continue with it was because she was scared that her nipples was going to get big and ugly, and almost everyone agreed with her. I had to used all my willpower not comment on her statement but I was already screaming in my mind. I stayed quiet the rest of the time and just waited for my turn, giving them the obligatory smile and nod.
We finally finished with the vaccination and went home, I immediately did some research on the statistics of breastfeeding here in the Philippines and the following link is the latest report I could find:, and I am deeply saddened by the report. I am in no position to judge, women have every right to decide and we all have different circumstances to face, but the least I could do is tell them to try doing for more than a week. I grew up being bombarded with information that breast milk is the best (I don't know why since I a guy) and the internet has made that information more accessible. I even found a site with 101 reasons to breastfeed, and I would like to share it:
Sunday, March 8, 2015
Sunday Musings
I am in church today, and I am yet to spontaneously combust into flames. Why am I here? My daughter is getting a blessing and her name is being recorded, so I am risking bursting into flames for my daughter. I love my family that much.
I am seeing a lot a of familiar faces, a little older but they are still the friends I grew up with. A lot of the children have grown up, some getting married and having children of their own. All of a sudden I feel old, which got me thinking what do I want to do when I get senior citizen old? I will take advantage that I am senior citizen by getting all the 20 % discounts I can get, watch movies for free, and use all those special lanes for the elderly. I want to get that senior citizen card and booklet.
I am currently doing a to do list of everything that needs to be done this week, and the list getting is getting very long. I feeling a little overwhelm but I know I can do it with a lot of help from Gatorade.
I am happy that I got buy some awesome books from Book Sale for a bargain. I actually found a copy of Choose Your Adventure 1: The Cave of Time. I can't wait to read it over and over again .
Saturday, March 7, 2015
To Run or Not To Run
I do not run and believe me when I say that is not from the lack of trying. I have tried to run in the past only to end up walking really long distances. I did walk from Paranaque to Las Pinas just for the heck of it.
This year, a good incentive has arrived to try running again. DC comics is going to have a World of DC Comics All Star Fun Run on April 18, 2015 near MOA. I know this going to lots of fun and I pretty excited to join. I just need to convince my wife to join me and to make sure my mother-in-law doesn't have anything plan in the morning since it is her birthday.
I will also not lie that a good part of why I want to join this particular run are awesome stuff you get when you register. My only worry is if they have my size. Hopefully everything goes according to plan.
This year, a good incentive has arrived to try running again. DC comics is going to have a World of DC Comics All Star Fun Run on April 18, 2015 near MOA. I know this going to lots of fun and I pretty excited to join. I just need to convince my wife to join me and to make sure my mother-in-law doesn't have anything plan in the morning since it is her birthday.
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Why do I like the Wonder Woman singlet? |
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Thoughts On Being Published
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Look at my son's reaction as he watches his Tito Nik |
So who is he? Well, according to the link above and the almighty Google gods, he is a award winning author and is famous for the following things below:
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We all have that friend that consistently repost these. |
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According to research is a Wattpad story |
With these things in mind, I have realized the following things:
- I like to read things that expands my mind and imagination, Stories that make think and contemplate on what I just read. Stories that touch a large variety of topics and not just a small part of romance (I am talking of where the "kilig" factor is the only driving force in the story). I am already 32, time is short, and I have already found the love of my life.
- My dream of become a writer is not impossible (I must continue writing my sausage story). I just need more practice.
- Wattpad stories are cute but they are not for me. A good outcome of these stories is that lot of young people are reading. Hopefully, this will get them to read more books.
- To be famous, one must find something that attracts your target audience and concentrate with that. You will have haters but they will only increase your popularity.
And with that I leave you with this thing I made:
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Natalie Dormer Confuses Me
As I was going through my news feed this morning I found a post of friend featuring a music video of Hozier with Natalie Dormer in it. It was a good video and song but what made an impact for me was the mix emotions I felt for the actress. I was strangely attracted to her but at the same time there was seething hatred. Now this is not the first I have express this, I have mentioned it to my wife and some friends before when I watching the game of thrones series.
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I want kiss her and rub that smile off her face at same time. |
That is why Natalie Dormer confuses me, I have never felt anything like this before and to end this post I leave you with another confusing thing I saw this morning.
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Yes, that is a statue of a doctor cleaning a kids butt in a very awkward position. |
Monday, March 2, 2015
Happy Birthday Pa!
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Happy Birthday Lolo! |
- Thank you for giving me life, I will not be here if not for you and mama.
- Thank you for working hard everyday to provide for us and my siblings when we were growing up. I saw it everyday how difficult it is to provide for us all, but I never heard you and mama complain or express regret in taking care us.
- Thank you for being there for us through the best and worst time of our lives. You were always there for me when I needed you the most, for listening when I only needed someone to hear what is inside my mind.
- Thank you for teaching that women should be treated as equals and that they should be respected and love no matter the circumstances, and that the most important woman in a man's life is her mother until he is married, then it becomes his wife and that no one has the right to disrespect her.
- Thank you for being an example of man who is slow to anger and to always try understand the circumstances behind another person's action that may have hurt. Keeping a grudge is only destructive to the one who has it because most of the time they don't know. I am still working on this but I know because of you I will be able to achieve this.
- Thank you for teaching me that an apology goes a long way, that saying sorry when one has made mistake makes one a better person and that it does not diminishes him. That forgiveness is important to both parties involve.
- Thank you for teaching, that one must never intentionally say anything that would hurt another or in anger, and if we are to say anything about another person it should be something that we can say in front of that person.
- Thank you for teaching me that a man's happiness is not measured by one's fame, power, or riches. That money is only one of the means in achieving happiness. I remember you telling me that I should do things and have a career that makes me happy and your only condition is that I do my best and never give up on my dreams.
- Thank you for teaching that it is okay to sing even when you are out of tune, to dance in public is cool, that watching cartoons when you are past 30 is still cool, and daddy jokes are the best jokes in the world.
- Thank you for loving me.
Friday, February 27, 2015
Adulting Problems and that Dress
A common trend in my social media news feed is exhaustion from being an adult or 'Adulting' as one friend said, and the really confusing dress that has been spreading around. Since I have no bright ideas for a post today let me share my inputs on these two topics.
So let me start with the dress, according to Gawker this picture from Tumblr has started a debate in internet on what is the color of the dress above. Is it gold and white, blue and black, and at certain angles brown and really light blue? I can honestly see all three types especially if I move in a different angle and lighting. Many sites have tried to explaining this and I will not try since I am not an expert on the matter, but it does say something in the matter of perspectives. Different people have different views of the same thing and I know that it is a great thing since it gives our lives some diversity and new perspectives. The best thing we could do is enjoy it and be kind to one another, People will not always agree with your way of thinking or how you see things, but doesn't give you any right to put them down (Except those who use the term bae. Those should be killed in sight. :P ).
Being an adult is a great part of one person's life. The freedom to decide for one self has never been more apparent, but this greater freedom also comes with greater responsibilities (Thank you Uncle Ben!). Sometimes this overwhelms a person and makes one drop everything and take a nap. I am currently experiencing it and I am looking forward to the weekend where I am just going to relax and enjoy my time with my family and friends
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It is blue and black |
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Calvin's Philosophy |
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Thursday Highlights
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My motivational wallpaper for today |
It's only noon here in my part of the world but it has already been a eventful day. I am writing this post before I return to work.
- Finished our weekly groceries before lunch. I now know making a list of the things you need to buy keeps the bill down and avoid waste. Marinated all the meats so it will be easier to cook.
- Bed Frame is 50% complete. I still need to do the finishing and some adjustments.
- In the casual gaming world, I am definitely addicted to Adventure Capitalism. Marvel Puzzle Quest has released one of my favorite characters, the Iron Fist.
- My imperial guard helmet will be arriving to day. I am so excited!
Hopefully I will get some rest later.
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
The Naked Man
My Tuesday didn't start so good, I didn't get enough sleep the night before and got annoyed with one of Elaine's employees in the morning. I did most of my morning tasks begrudgingly and the highlight of my morning was playing AdVenture Capitalism. Pretty Sad indeed, I was suffering another bout of ennui.I then decided to post about it in social media because normal people do it all the time, and my good friend Paul Catiang suggest I have some naked time to fight of my ennui. It made me laugh a lot and as I thought about it I realized I have nothing to loose and I am now naked.
Do not worry, you will not see any pictures of my glorious body that will make you rush home, hug your love ones, and ask them for forgiveness. I still have my insanity intact, but did realized some things:
1. I really do have a body of a god and his name is Silenus the Greek god of drunkenness. You thought I was gonna say Buddha, but Buddha is way healthier then me.
2. I desperately need to loose weight. I am not getting any younger.
3. The only missing from me is bodily and facial hair and I will be officially a bear.
That is it for now, I need to get dress for geekfight and it is kinda getting cold.
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Currently contemplating which pose |
Do not worry, you will not see any pictures of my glorious body that will make you rush home, hug your love ones, and ask them for forgiveness. I still have my insanity intact, but did realized some things:
1. I really do have a body of a god and his name is Silenus the Greek god of drunkenness. You thought I was gonna say Buddha, but Buddha is way healthier then me.
2. I desperately need to loose weight. I am not getting any younger.
3. The only missing from me is bodily and facial hair and I will be officially a bear.
That is it for now, I need to get dress for geekfight and it is kinda getting cold.
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Sophia's First Month
So it's my little girl's first month in the world and as our family's little tradition, we had cake. It has been a wonderful and exhausting month, here are some highlights for Sophia.
- Sophia has managed to vomit, pee, and poop in the bed and on me. Impressive for a little girl, it took Castle a couple of months to achieve these things.
- Speaking of Castle, I am proud of him that he too jealous of his sister. The only sign so far is that he wants to drink milk whenever his sister is feeding. Not necessarily a bad thing because he is drinking a lot more milk.
- Sophia's body clock has stabilized. She sleeps through the night and wakes up around 4 am almost consistently. It's a great blessing for Elaine and I since we get enough rest.
- I now have three people to check if they are breathing during the night. It is a weird quirk of mine ever since I can remember. I have the need to check if the people asleep near me is still breathing.
- Sophia can now raise her head for awhile when she is lying in her stomach. We try to avoid doing it often because she is still fragile.
That is it for now, more highlights to come soon.
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Ryuutama Session 1: Tristan's Journal
Day 21, Resplendent Spring Dragon 15 ATB
Weather: Sunny
Condition: Tired
I finally found my journal in the chest inside the repair kit's bag. That bad little monkey must have hid it there. I don't remember why I accepted him as payment in the first place. I guess I found him cute during the time.
I feel awfully tired today, Aya our resident minstrel was snoring again and our fearless leader Petre the Container Artisan as he likes to be called is also cranky. I really should talk to her about snoring soon, but she was really nice when she gave the walking stick she got from the dragon statue.
We meet a weather oracle named Joshua on the way to Ifa. He seems to be nice fellow, a bit distracted but nice. I think he got duped by some bandits into giving up his things or they just left because he was busy predicting the weather. He said it was going rain tomorrow. We also made a deal with Joshua to help him get his things back and travel with him to Ifa in exchange for 4 letters of entrance to a great library in the town we are headed. I don't know how great it would be considering it is just town but I do hope there is a map so we can properly prepare.
Aya manage to find a campsite nearby, and by the dragons the "friends" that took Joshua's things and donkey were there. I forget to mention donkey and her name was Ambersky I think. I am not sure but we did find it roasting beautifully over the fire. Thankfully, Joshua didn't notice and he was already feasting on beloved animal even before anyone could say a word. Back to the bandits, there were 4 of them, Bob a scrawny guy that carries a whip, Billy a giant of a man, and the twins whose names eludes me right now. Petre managed to get a truce, thanks to his legendary spit shake.
I guess that is for now, must setup camp. Nobody is gonna help me again, Aya singing with her harp and Petre is having a 'Who has the bigger balls match' with Bob
Day 22, Resplendent Spring Dragon 15 ATB
Weather: Rainy
Condition: Still tired but not cranky
As predicted by Joshua, it is raining today and I am done setting up camp and just taking my time to write before I go to sleep.
I taught Billy how to pat friends in the back but I forgot to tell him not to overdo it. Bob ended up with a limp. :P He tried to get back at us by telling Billy to give everyone in the party a big hug but it backfired when he tried it with Petre. Hehe!
The rain made the journey a little difficult but we did manage to find a giant tree with enough leaves and branches to shelter us from the rain. Some of the stumps have been worn down by other travelers making it easier to setup camp here. Though in hindsight it might not have been a good idea, since it might get hit by lightning and we all die a fiery death.
There was a koneko goblin looking depress with us under the tree. Aya did most of the talking and I was busy setting up camp. I think it was looking for something. I personally think koneko goblins should be approached with caution, yes they are adorable cats walking upright but they are called goblins for a reason.
We also managed to irritate some walking eggs but we did get rid of them. I don't understand why Aya keeps on insisting we kill it in a special way, but could not tell us what that special way is. We ended up with some egg yolks and shells that Petre is currently preparing we can use or sell.
Joshua informed that we will arrive to our destination tomorrow and that the weather will be better. He also told me that will be a festival. I can't wait to go there, I am out cash and we need to replenish supplies.
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